Monday, November 8, 2010

Q: What can I do about heartburn?

Q: What can I do about heartburn?

A: Heart burn can be a sign that you are having a baby with LOTS of hair, at least that's what the old wives tales say. It's been true for me all four times so far!! There are a few things that you can use for heartburn #1 TUMS, #2 They say if you drink some vinegar your stomach wont have the need to produce so much acid since there is already some in there. And #3 Drink milk, Tums is mostly calcium anyways so drink up!!

Q: What is a good Pregnancy Journal?

Q: What is a good Pregnancy Journal?

The best pregnancy journal I've found is at Barnes & Noble. It's a day to day journal that tells you DAILY what is going on with your body and the baby. Most of the other ones I've looked at tell you what goes on weekly. Here is a link to the web page.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Q: I have a positive pregnancy test what now?

Q: I have a positive pregnancy test what now?

A: Call your Doctor and schedule your appointment. Depending on the doctor, you will have your first appointment between 6-9 weeks. Some doctors go ahead and do an ultrasound then and some of them will wait till 20 weeks. Depends on the doctor.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Q: I really want to nurse my baby but my milk supply is low, what can I do?

Q: I really want to nurse my baby but my milk supply is low, what can I do?

A: I've nursed all 4 of my babies. Some longer than others. The longest I've been able to go so far has been 9 months. I've always had a hard time with keeping my milk supply up once they hit about 4 months or so. A few tips I've found to keep your milk supply from dropping are:

#1 Nurse, Nurse, Nurse! Nurse anytime the baby shows interest for a week or so until you start to build your supply back up! Don't skip any feedings. Nursing is always better than pumping in order to build your supply.

#2 DO NOT Supplement! Nurse only! When you supplement feedings the baby drinks milk faster out of a bottle than they do nursing,so don't feel that they are starving or NEED the supplement. Supply and demand, the more you nurse the more milk you will have!

#3 Fenugreek an herbal suppliment that helps with the production of can take this several times a day to help with production.

#5 Mothers milk is also something you can order online a natural remedy that boosts milk production

#6 Yogi Tea has a breast feeding tea that helps as well

#7 Dark beer, maybe 1/4 cup a day has been known to help as well (such as Guinness, it's gross but it works!).

If all else fails check with your local LLL.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Q: I have alligator skin, and covered in itchy rashes, what to do?

Q: I'm pregnant and feel like I have alligator skin! I'm covered in rashes and I itch so bad at night sometimes I can't sleep. What do you suggest to ease the itch?

A: My first pregnancy everything seemed pretty smooth all through the first trimester then I hit that nasty third trimester! I woke up one day and noticed that I had huge red rashes all over my legs and arms and feet. I was petrified!! The doctor said it was called "Pupps" or "The pregnancy Rash." It's usually pretty rare. However leave it to me to get it.

For weeks I would be up all hours of the night digging, and scratching till I was bleeding!! I looked it up on the Internet to see what exactly it was and from what I found they don't know for sure what causes it but they speculate that your body is allergic to it's own placenta!

In the middle of changing OB's my new OB recommended that I take Benadryl at night to help me sleep and put the benadryl cream on the rash to help soothe it. Well for me the cream didn't help but the benadryl pill at night did! I took 1 every night and after about a week the rash was completely GONE! This doesn't work that way for everyone but it will help to ease the reaction.

Also a few weeks ago my cousin in Texas asked me about this same thing, I told her about the benadryl but also about using a basic hand lotion from Arbonne (which I sell if anyone needs any). I sent her a few samples of it and so far seems like it is working!

Make sure you always check with your doctor first on any rashes, or problems you might be having during your pregnancy before you try to treat it yourself.

Q: What do Contractions feel like?

Q: What do contractions feel like? We're all warned as first time mommies that they will happen, but nothing really tells you what it will feel like?

I had so much confusion about contractions during my last few pregnancies, probably mostly because no one ever explained it to me in detail about what to look for in a contraction. My first pregnancy, my water broke at 35 weeks, and then I didn't have contractions until I was induced, baby number 2 I had pre-term labor and only experienced a crampy/achy menstrual type feeling. I never thought it was a contraction, but after going to the doctor and getting checked I was actually progressing from them.

So that is where the confusion came in! By baby number 3 I was having unbearable pain in the top of my stomach so bad I couldn't breathe at 15 weeks until my water broke at 38 weeks. That ended up not even being a contraction even though it felt like one. It was a gallbladder attack that was miss-diagnosed as acid reflux! They kept saying you will know it's true labor when it starts at the top and radiates down your belly! But it was doing that, and it wasn't like that with the last two and I was in labor!

So the best way I've ever heard it explained is, if you make a muscle with your arm, and hold it there for a LONG period of time as tight as you can, and get tighter and tighter as you hold it. That is the closest thing to what a contraction actually is. The pain will get gradually more intense your stomach muscles will tighten from the top to the bottom gradually, tighter and tighter just like your arm muscle for periods of time starting slowly and getting more and more intense and closer together as time passes. It is possible you will also feel cramps or pain in your back as this happens.

Because of my experiences if you are having any type of cramps, achy menstrual type feeling in your lower back, or an intense contraction, contact your doctor right away so they can check you out and make sure your not in progressive labor. Better safe than sorry!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Q: What cloth diapers do you suggest?

Q: What cloth diapers do you suggest?

A:My personal favorite would be Swaddlebee's All in One Diapers with snaps.

When I first started cloth diapering it was because of my amazing Sister-in-Law Heather who researched things until she knew everything about them! She helped me out a lot with showing me the ropes. When I thought about cloth diapering I thought NASTY!!! I would NEVER do that! However Cloth diapers are so much different now than they used to be. They are so easy especially if you get the "all in one" diapers that you just roll the poop off in the toilet and throw them into the washing machine!

My first diapers I tried were the Inserts, which I liked but they were still more work than I wanted to do. Washing them, stuffing them and then double stuffing for night time! Then I tried the fitted with a cover, and wool covers. Again too much work for me. Having three babies in diapers, and tons of laundry without the diapers I needed something simple and quick which for us turned out to be the all in one.

A great website to find more information on Cloth diapering is Here you can find info on anything you want to know about cloth diapering, as well as a market place to buy used cloth diapers at 1/2 the price of new diapers. Which again I recommend and have done several times. Also if you keep watch on the Swaddlebee's website that I posted earlier, you can sometimes get 1/2 off deals on new diapers from the outlet.